Bellmore-Merrick Roller Hockey
Parents Code of Conduct
BMRH will not tolerate verbal abuse or disruptive behavior of its Volunteer Coaches, Parents, Participants, Fans, or Spectators.
1. Parents understand they will not criticize coaches/players or cheerleaders in front of other spectators in the stands, but reserve constructive criticism in private. Parents may not use profane or indecent means to communicate any verbal or non-verbal gesture that could be construed as racist, sexist, religious in nature, or abusive in nature.
2. Accept all decisions of the game’s officials, referees, and coaches on the rink as being fair and called to the best ability of said officials. Parents may not use profane or indecent means to communicate any verbal or non-verbal gesture that could be construed as racist, sexist, religious in nature, or abusive in nature.
3. Parents understand that they will not criticize an opposing team, its players, coaches, or referees either away or home. Parents may not use profane or indecent means to communicate any verbal or non-verbal gesture that could be construed as racist, sexist, religious in nature, or abusive in nature.
4. Parents understand that they will not use any physical or verbal abuse or profane language or gestures at any time during while at BMRH.
5. Parents will abstain from any drug or alcohol consumption at, during, in route to, and in route from all BMRH functions.
6. Parents may not interrupt games or interfere with coaches or staff and will not be allowed on the field of play during all games at every location.
7. Parents understand that all complaints about games, coaching strategies, and BMRH operating procedures will not be addressed during games and may only be addressed to the BMRH Director in a timely manner. Parents can be assured that all grievances will be handled quickly and fairly.
8. Parents understand that their athletes will be required to attend all practices and events unless otherwise specified to their respected coaches. Parents also understand that not meeting the 4-game regular season requirement will cause their athlete to not play in the League Playoffs as a matter of fairness to their athlete’s team mates and the structure of the team as a whole.
9. Parents will place the emotional and physical well-being of their athlete above the concept of winning.
10. Parents will understand that due to concussion protocol if their athlete sustains a suspected injury to their face, neck, and head their athlete will be removed from the game and must seek medical advice from their doctor. Parents will also understand that their athlete will not be able to participate in practices or games until a BMRH Youth Sports representative physically sees documented proof that your child has not sustained an injury to the fore mentioned areas.
Parents will understand that any violation of this code of conduct will result in the following:
Violation 1: Private consultation with coach and BMRH League Director. This shall be treated as your one and only warning. In this case you may not receive a refund.
Violation 2: Forfeiture of the game in progress. In this case you will not receive a refund.
Violation 3: Removal of all rights and privileges assigned or operated by BMRH for no less than 1 calendar year from the date of violation. In this case you will not receive a refund.
*All parents/guardians will be required to sign the BMRH Parents Code of Conduct prior to the start of every season
When you are at BMRH, please ALWAYS REMEMBER:
- The players in this league are the children of Bellmore-Merrick Roller Hockey
- Our Coaches are volunteers
- Our referees are human
- College scholarships or NHL contracts will not be given out on game day
- It’s just a game, roller hockey is fun
Thank you and let’s continuing to work together to keep BMRH one of the best youth leagues around!