School Property
Since we are located on school property, the following rules below are mandatory:
- There is no smoking permitted in the rink area or parking lot
- No pets allowed
Entering the Rink
The BMRH entrance may be accessed from the parking lot located on the north side of the rink. All coaches, players, and parents shall enter the rink through this entrance.
The gate closest to the concession stand is for Board Members and referees only. This is for safety purposes…
Player Bench Area
Only coaches, players, referees, and league officials are allowed in the players bench area during the course of the game. Please do not enter this area as it may result in a minor penalty for your child’s team. Most teams have two coaches and they are there to assist your child during the course of the game.
Keep it Clean
Help us keep the rink area clean. Please deposit all trash in the rink area’s garbage cans, we have several garbage cans and recycling bins surround the rink area. Please also help us keep the parking lot clean.
If you notice a garbage can is completely full or there is one missing a bag, please let us know and one of our Board Members will take care of this immediately.
Spectator Control
Spectators at BMRH games are expected to always conduct themselves with decorum.
If any spectators become unruly or otherwise disrupt the progress of the game, the game referee(s) and/or a Board Member from the Board of Directors shall warn the spectators involved to discontinue their disruptive behavior, or the rink shall be cleared of all those involved.
Refusal to comply shall result in automatic stoppage of the game.
A spectator who has been ejected from the rink due to inappropriate behavior two (2) times during the season shall expel that spectator from attending any further games for the remainder of the season. The Board of Directors will meet and follow up regarding future attendance on the rink’s premises.
When you are at BMRH, please ALWAYS REMEMBER:
- The players in this league are the children of Bellmore-Merrick Roller Hockey
- Our Coaches are volunteers
- Our referees are human
- College scholarships or NHL contracts will not be given out on game day
- It’s just a game, roller hockey is fun
Thank you and let’s continuing to work together to keep BMRH one of the best youth leagues around!