BMRH Rules
Below are the rules of the BMRH.
- FRESHMAN: 6 years (turn 7 during season) thru 10 years (1st - 5th grade)
- *Depending on age group breakdown from registration, divisions may be broken up into a LOWER Division and an UPPER DIVISION
Players may be placed in another division at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
All players must submit the following before the first scheduled game of the season:
- Individual registration applications filled out
- Payment in full
- Copy of original birth certificate
- Parents and players must also sign a code of conduct before the player is eligible to play
- Each player shall always wear an UNALTERED AHAUS approved helmet and facial protection on the rink, including warm up. The helmet and facial protection shall be securely strapped to the head. Any team who has a player whose helmet and facial protection is not securely strapped to the head, shall be assessed a warning first and then given a minor second bench penalty. Full facial protection is defined as facial protection recommended by AHAUS safety committee. Helmets shall always be worn in the player bench area, except when behind the fence of play.
- All players shall wear numbered BMRH jerseys during a game. If you don't have a BMRH jersey, you will be removed from the game.
- Stick-Goaltenders may be no wider than 3 1/2' at the widest point of the blade except at the heel, where it may be no wider than 4 1/2' and no longer than 15 1/2' from heel to the end of the blade. ALL other sticks may not be less than 1 1/2' at the narrowest point of the blade and may not have a curvature greater than 1/2'.
- The following equipment is also mandatory for all Divisions: cup, elbow pads, shin guards, gloves, skates, mouthpiece, and butt-end on stick. Shoulder Pads and hockey pants/girdles are highly recommended for all players not at the high school level.
- Players cited for equipment infractions may be subject to a minor penalty.
- A mouthguard must be worn. If a player enters the game without one, they will be removed from the game and will not be allowed to participate until they have one. This will be the only warning. If a player is continuously told to have their mouthpiece in on the rink surface, they will be assessed a minor penalty for delay of game. If the issue continues after the minor penalty has been served, the player shall receive a game misconduct where they will not be allowed to return for the remainder of that game.
- The league has goalie equipment for those goalies who do not have their own. These can be borrowed for the duration of a game.
- No player will be permitted to skate on the rink if their skate is missing a wheel(s). If the skate was made to have 4 wheels, then there must be 4 wheels on the skate. If a skate was made to have 3 wheels, then there must be 3 wheels on the skate. If a wheel falls off a skate while the player is on the rink playing, he must leave the Playing surface and cannot return until the skate is fixed.
The official rules of the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States have been adopted by the Bellmore-Merrick Roller Hockey League. The following are those instances which either supersede the rules or are reiterated for emphasis. If any conflict of the rules occurs, the decision of the members of the Board of Directors will be binding.
- The game will consist of two (2) halves, each being twenty seven (27) minutes, with three (3) lines per team (dependent on number of players registered). Each line will be (3) minute shifts and play three times per half. One (1) minute of rest shall be permitted between periods for all games. (Subject to change as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors). The lines will play in the following order for each period: 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, end of half.
- Line Change Format
The buzzer will sound every three (3) minutes but the clock will continue to run. The line entering the playing surface will have to race to the ref and immediately line up. The longer they take, the less “playing time” they will receive before the buzzer going off for the next change
27 min – 3rd line
24 min – 2nd line
21 min – 1st line
18 min – 3rd line
15 min – 2nd line
12 min – 1st line
9 min – 3rd line
6 min – 2nd line
3 min – 1st line
League Rules
- Each team must appear thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled game starting time and be dressed approximately fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled drop of the puck.
- All games will start at the scheduled start time. After a ten (10) minute grace period, any team failing to field the required number of players will automatically forfeit the game.
- Players needed to play game: Freshman 9 skaters (+) goalie (You must have at least four 3rd liners + any combination of players that will allow you to play 4v4 on 2nd line and 1st line + a goaltender in order to start the game, as long as your 3rd liners do not have to play 1st line). For example: you may play with four 3rd liners, two 2nd liners and two 1st liners + a goalie. In this scenario, your two 3rd liners would double shift to 2nd line and then two 2nd liners would double shift to 1st line. If at any time, you cannot obey the three line system, the game will result in a forfeit. This is subject to board discretion. Subject to change due to the number of players on the roster. The required number will be set at the beginning of each season.) There are no borrowing of players from other teams.
- A forfeit will result in a 1-0 score but the standings will display a loss for the team who forfeits and a win for the other team. If both teams fail to field the required number of players each team will be credited with a loss.
- Each team will be permitted one (1) time outs per game of one (1) minute. Playoff overtimes are permitted one (1) time out per overtime period.
- Attendance policy: Players must attend at least 4 out of the 10 games in order to qualify for the playoffs roster. This will be enforced. A Freshman game played consists of one half. If a player has to leave early, they must be a part of half the game to count as a game attended. It’s important that you communicate this rule to your team parents. If someone is injured and has a legitimate injury, please notify the Board of Directors. We will address it during one of our meetings and follow up with the league, if needed.
- During the regular season, when one half is played, this shall constitute as an official game. If a game ends prior to the completion of a full half, then the entire game is rescheduled and replayed from the beginning. If playoff games are stopped short, they will be rescheduled and left off from the stoppage of play and shift. Any rostered player is eligible to play in that game (if they qualified for playoffs and made at least 5 games during the regular season).
- An ineligible player in a game shall result in a forfeit of the game for the offending team.
- At the end of each game, all players from each team shall line up at the center of the rink for handshaking, which is to be considered a display of good sportsmanship. The handshaking may be dispensed with at the discretion of the Game Referee or at the request of any Board Member if the situation warrants this action. After consultation between the Game Referee and the Board Member present, the Game Referee shall notify each coach prior to the end of each game if the handshaking is to be dispensed with. If fighting results during the handshaking, it will be treated consistent with fighting during the game (game misconduct). The game officials shall observe the post-game handshaking. A player who refuses to handshake must meet with the Board of Directors, and his/her coach at the next scheduled Board meeting. If the Game Referee or Board Member elects to dispense with the handshake, or if any penalties result from an incident which occurs during the handshake, a game report shall be filed with the Board of Directors within 48 hours.
- The following persons shall be permitted near the players’ bench: Coach and Assistant Coach (limited to two (2) persons total) and roster listed players. For violation of this rule, the offending team shall be assessed, one verbal warning followed by a bench minor. Once the game has started, no parents are permitted behind the bench, unless in the role of Coach or Assistant Coach.
- Each coach must have a parent available to coach a game if either the Coach or Assistant Coach is not available. Games will only be rescheduled at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
- All players must wear their helmets on the bench if sitting/standing in the non-fenced area. Coaches will be warned and then given a bench minor penalty if it occurs again.
- Once player positions are locked-in, players skating on the first line may not double shift on any other line. If (2) two players are missing on either the first or second line, one player moving up must be locked in on that line and a designated second player can double shift.
- If one first liner is missing, a second liner can move up and double shift.
- If a second liner is missing, a 3rd liner can move up and double shift
- 1st and 2nd liners may never play down a level
- When a team has less than three 3rd liners, we will play 3v3 on 3rd line. If one of the teams have more than three 3rd liners, you will have to rotate them evenly so that each 3rd liner in attendance will receive the same amount of playing time. If the League Director scoring the game or our referees determine the substitution is not evenly distributed across the board, your team will be assessed a bench minor for Unsportsmanlike. This minor penalty will be served the very next time your 1st line is scheduled to go out on the playing surface
- Regular season games ending in a tie will be decided by a shootout. The home team will decide whether they will elect to shoot first or second. One player will be selected from each line to represent their team in the shootout. The 3rd line will begin and proceed until the line one (1) players have shot. If the score remains tied after the first three (3) rounds, then the rounds will move into sudden death. The coach will select one player, from any line (that has not already shot) to shoot in the shootout. The game will end once the sudden death has been decided. Playoff games that end in a tie will be decided in sudden death. The overtime period will begin with the 1st line. If the score remains tied, the game will move to the second line and so on until a goal has been scored. The overtime period will consist of one full half before breaking for the “end of the period”. If the first overtime period has been completed with no score, the game will move into the 2nd overtime period, etc.
- Pulling Goalie
- Permitted when 1st line is playing.
- When 2nd line is playing, CANNOT use 1st liner as substitute.
- CAN pull goalie on 3rd line if you have a 3rd liner available to skate.
- This is a NON-CHECKING LEAGUE; any checking will be dealt a penalty. Coincidental contact is allowed within the limits set by the officials.
- There is no off-side. Since there is no offside, players can float anywhere on the rink surface throughout the game and will not be permitted to clear zones.
- If any player is injured during a game or practice, the Coach or Assistant must notify a Board member immediately.
- An injured player must come off the rink for the face off and may re-enter the game at any time at the discretion of the coach. At the time of an injury all players must go to their respective nets.
- If any player misses more than 6 of the regular season games, it will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors whether that player is eligible to continue playing on the team and if that player is eligible for the playoffs
- 3-Pass Rule will be obeyed when a team is winning by five (5) goals or more. The winning team must make three (3) consecutive passes prior to shooting and a goal being counted. If at any time the consecutive pass streak is broken up, prior to three (3) straight passes, the team pass count will restart. Once the score is within four (4) goals, the 3-pass rule will be removed until it's needed again.
- The following conditions will stop all clocks simultaneously: Referee signals a penalty and blows a whistle. On a delayed penalty, the clocks do not stop until a whistle is blown.
- Puck leaves the playing area and becomes out of play.
- Injured player on the rink (clock stops at the direction of the referee).
- At any time so instructed by the Referee. The last three (3) minutes of each game will be stop time unless the goal differential is 3 or more. The clocks will resume at the next drop pf the puck. (Clock stoppages are subject to change as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.)
- As all games are scheduled on a time limit, referees have the ability to run that clock at any time to keep the league running on schedule. It’s important that all players show up a head of time so we can start on time.
Penalties will be served in the area designated "Penalty Box". A penalized player must serve his own penalty on his own line and may not skate on his line until his penalty has expired. If a player is double shifting, he may skate on the line not affected by his penalty.
- MINOR One minute & thirty seconds (1:30 in Freshman or Lower Divisions and 2:00 in Sophomore, Junior and Upper Divisions) of a player skating time. A goal scored by the opposing team on the line in which the penalty occurred will cancel the penalty. EXCEPTION- in the case of coincidental penalties, a goal scored will not cancel the penalty.
- BENCH MINOR of a player’s skating time. It is served by a player from the team whose parents, team official, sideline player, etc. received the penalty. The player who is to serve the penalty is chosen by the coach of the penalized team.
- MAJORS: All major penalties will be five (5) minutes of a players skating time. All major penalties will be reported to the Board members present at the time of the penalty by the Referee issuing the penalty.
- MISCONDUCT (GAME OR GROSS) Game Misconduct = Suspension of a player or team official for the balance of the game in progress. A substitute may immediately replace a player so removed, provided the substitute is locked in on the same or lower line. Gross Misconduct = Suspension of a player or team official for the balance of the game in progress and one (1) or more additional game(s) suspension which will be decided by the Board of Directors after meeting with Referee issuing the penalty. A substitute player may immediately replace a player so removed, providing the substitute is locked in on the same or lower line. If the line has less than five (5) available players both teams shall skate 4 on 4 for the balance of the game.
- When coincidental penalties of equal length are assessed to both teams by the Referee, the players shall sit the penalties and both teams shall play shorthanded.
- The first fight for a player shall result in a major penalty and/or a misconduct at the Referee's discretion which can result in automatic suspension. The length of suspension (including expulsion) will be determined by the Board of Directors. The second fight shall result in a misconduct and possible expulsion after a review by the Directors. A player who drops his gloves and doesn't throw a punch during an altercation shall receive a major and/or game misconduct.
- Spearing, butt-ending, and kicking shall be treated as a major penalty, and/or a game misconduct and shall have the same suspensions as fighting.
- The third man into an altercation and any additional players involved in the altercation, or involved in another altercation at the same time, shall be assessed the same penalty as for fighting plus any additional penalties deemed necessary by the Referee.
- For foul language, obscene gestures, or any other action unbecoming a player committed by any player on or off the rink, whether directed to officials or not, the offending player shall be assessed a minor penalty. For the second infraction, the player will be assessed a game misconduct.
- For foul language, obscene gestures, or any conduct unbecoming a League representative committed by a Team Coach or Assistant Coach, whether directed to officials or not, the offending team shall be assessed a bench minor penalty and the offender ejected from the game.
- During a game, if the Coach or Assistant Coach leaves the bench and comes on the rink for any reason except in case of player injury, the offender shall be ejected from the game. In the case of a player injury, the Coach and Assistant Coach must wait for the Referee to call them onto the rink. For instructional purposes, in the Freshman Division the coach is permitted on the rink while the third (3rd) line is skating. This is only permitted thru game five (5).
- Attempt to injure or deliberate injury shall result in a major penalty and a gross misconduct.
- The striking of a Game Official by a player or a Coach shall result in immediate ejection from the league.
- A player who receives a major penalty on the rink after the end of the game shall be given a gross misconduct (see above for explanation).
- A player who is involved in an off-rink altercation before or after a game will be subjected to suspension pending a Board of Directors review.
- Abuse or harassment of League Officials, on or off the rink, committed by Coaches, Assistant Coaches or players shall be subject to suspension, pending review by the Board of Directors. Abuse or harassment of League Officials committed by spectators shall result in removal of the spectator from the premises. If the spectator refuses to leave, the game will be stopped, and can possibly result in a game forfeit.
- All game suspensions which occur in games between BMRH teams shall be for the next consecutive BMRH game including playoffs and regular season. Any player serving a suspension must show up in full hockey gear and serve the suspension in the penalty box.
- Any player with three (3) minor penalties, or any combination of penalties equaling four minutes and 30 seconds (4:30), in the same game will receive a Game Misconduct.
- All player penalties are subject to review by the Board of Directors. If necessary, the appropriate action may be taken by the Board
- The Board of Directors may, at any time, review team or player statistics and take appropriate action, as necessary.
- Throwing of a punch. If a player throws a punch in the rink area - bench included - the player is subject to a 2-3 game suspension. The incident will be reviewed by the Board for possible additional sanctions.
- All calls and recommendations by the referees will be respected.