Bellmore-Merrick Roller Hockey
Players Code of Ethics
I hereby pledge to be positive about my youth sports experience and understand the required responsibility for my participation at BMRH. I am committed to following the Player’s Code of Ethics Pledge, displayed below:
▪ I will encourage good sportsmanship for my fellow teammates, players, coaches, officials, and parents at
every game and practice by demonstrating good sportsmanship.
▪ I will attend every practice and game that my schedule allows and will provide advanced notice, to my coach, if I cannot.
▪ I will expect to receive fair and equal amount of playing time.
▪ I will do my very best to listen and learn from my coaches.
▪ I will treat my coaches, other players, officials and fans with respect regardless of race,
sex, creed, or abilities and I will expect to be treated accordingly.
▪ I deserve to have fun during my sports experience and will alert parents or coaches if it
stops being fun!
▪ I deserve to play in an environment that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and expect
adults to refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
▪ I will encourage my parents to be involved with my team in some capacity because it’s
important to me.
▪ I will do my very best in school.
▪ I will remember that sports are an opportunity to learn and have fun.
Corrective Action Policy
Players who fail to adhere to the Code of Conduct, or do not live up to their responsibilities, or Expectations, will be subject to disciplinary action.
BMRH does not want a problem child to spoil the experience of youth sports for the other children within our programs. Therefore, BMRH has instituted a Corrective Action Policy to establish appropriate consequences for inappropriate behavior.
The Corrective Action Policy is a guide to assist coaches and, BMRH, to run a quality
program. The Corrective Action Policy is a 4-step system designed to forgive a mistake but to firmly
address chronic misbehavior. For violations of the Code of Conduct, or expectations, these steps will be followed:
Step 1: Verbal Warning
- Our Coaches will discuss undesirable conduct with the player(s) and parents and stress that this behavior will not be tolerated.
Step 2: Period Suspension
- Our Coaches will bench the offending player(s) for 1 period during a game when he/she should be playing. The Coach will inform a League Director of the problem and why the child is sitting out 1 game period.
Step 3: Game Suspension
- Coach will bench the offending player for 1 entire game when he/she should be playing. Coach will inform a League Director of the 3rd offense, at which time the player(s) and the parent(s) must attend a Board Meeting with the Coach and League Director prior to the player resuming practices and or games. The player will be warned that the next offense will result in his/her expulsion from the league.
Step 4: League Expulsion
- The participant on the 4th offense will be expelled from the league and no refund will be given. The parent will then have to make a formal request to be re-instated into this league. The child and parent(s) will then have to meet with the entire Board of Directors, prior to the start of the season to determine whether or not, their child can play within the guidelines of our Youth Organization.
These guidelines are not absolute in dealing with behavioral problems. Severe situations could merit harsher sanctions against participant.
*All players will be required to sign the BMRH Players Code of Ethics prior to the start of every season
When you are at BMRH, please ALWAYS REMEMBER:
- Our Coaches are volunteers
- Our referees are human
- College scholarships or NHL contracts will not be given out on game day
- It’s just a game, roller hockey is fun
Thank you and let’s continuing to work together to keep BMRH one of the best youth leagues around!